Monday, June 11, 2012

Challenge: Bikini Bootcamp

I have a board on pinterest called "Gettin' my Body Back".

I will be the first to admit that I have never really tried any of the exercises I have pinned.

You see, I HATE exercising. (shh don't tell any of my patients who I make work out every day) I have tried over and over again to find a workout that I enjoy. I hate running because it hurts my knees, I don't have a bike, I hate driving to the gym, I hate paying for the gym, I don't own a set of weights, and last but not least, I am just plain exhausted when I get home from work and the last thing I want to do is work out. Oh and waking up early is just plain out of the question. So, as you can see, that doesn't give me any options.

That being said, I am on a road to a better me which eventually needs to include working out.

1. We started a "Biggest Loser" contest at work today where you pay $10 to play and then weigh in every week. If you don't lose at least 1 pound in the week, you have to pay another dollar. The person with the largest percentage of weight loss gets all of the money. (something like $100) In the interest of not losing $1 a week over the next 12 weeks, I would like to lose weight.

2. We are going to the lake for a week with my family in August and I would love to look great in a swimsuit.

3. I am sooooo out of shape. I know that working out will give me more energy during the day.

SO here we go.

I went to my pinterest board where I have collected a variety of workouts and found this blog. She has a bunch of different posts about working out, eating right, and losing weight. She has a post entitled Bikini Boot Camp. I think this is where I will attempt to start.

Who's with me?!

1. Pick 1-3 foods you know you binge on and for the next 5 weeks you are not allowed...lets see, we will go with ice cream for sure (although that is going to be a hard one for 5 weeks) and chips.

2. Buy a new bikini...Done. OK well it isn't a bikini, it is a tankini...but close enough. Go to this website. It is amazing and has the best swimsuits.

3. Keep that swimsuit in a public place...I'll hang it on my closet door.

4. Start working out 2 times this week. Not too hard...I can do that.

5. 2 goals I want to achieve over the next 5 weeks...1. to eat healthier 2. to enjoy working out

6. Make sure to drink 8 glasses of water a day. This is hard for me. I am terrible at drinking water. But I will try. If I can give up ice cream, I can drink more water.

Here is my first workout (also from the same blog mentioned earlier)
 In case you are like me and are clueless about working out, I found a few definitions:

Mountain Climbers - Begin in a push-up position on the hands and toes. Bring the right knee in towards the chest, resting the foot on the floor. Jump up and switch feet in the air, bringing the left foot in and the right foot back. You can also run the knees in and out rather than touching the toes to the floor. Continue alternating the feet as fast as you safely can for 30-60 seconds.

Burpee- squat, push up, vertical jump...yikes

Let the games begin!


  1. Sounds like fun! Good luck!! I'm all about mixing exercises up. I get bored easily!

  2. So I know that this is "so me" to post about this on your blog because it is basically a sermon from my own blog but I have two things to say. If your knees are hurting a lot from running, try changing your form to make sure you aren't landing on your heels, I was having knee problems and shin problems and since I have changed my form I have not felt anything (i'm not just saying that to try and convert you to a barefoot runner either haha). Also, try Chia Seeds. Eat a tablespoon of them in the morning in like a carnation shake or something. They absorb a lot of the liquid around them and take longer to break down and be absorbed by your body, so they make you feel fuller longer. When I am at work, I have that for breakfast, and then I just drink water all day long and I never am hungry to snack and things like that, its helped me lose like 10 pounds so far since we have been here. There is my sermon for the day.
