Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Poop Talk

Warning- This post may not be suitable for those who refuse to change dirty diapers and who think it's weird to talk about poop.

I never thought poop would be a part of daily conversation until I had a kid. Now, I find myself talking about it on a daily basis. One of the first things the doctors gave us in the hospital after she was born was a guide to the first weeks of baby poop colors. They tell you to keep track of how often, what color, how much, etc. etc. It is one of the guides to if she is getting enough of the right foods. When she was drinking formula all was well. Then we started giving her real food and her poop started to change colors/consistencies. A few weeks ago we switched her from formula to whole milk and she was instantly constipated. She has been pooping rocks for weeks now.

I'm no expert, but I do know that dairy=constipation. The only problem is that milk, cheese, and yogurt are her all time faves. She carries around a bottle with her all day. (I do realize I have some control over this matter but some days it is all she will eat) I have tried switching some of her milk bottles for juice but it hasn't seemed to make much of a difference.

I try my best to feed her lots of fruit and she loves it. She eats blueberries for breakfast. Unfortunately, nothing seems to help.

Yesterday I gave her some prune juice mixed with her apple juice and within hours she had really runny poop that made her poor little bum bright red and extremely sore.

I can't win.

Any moms out there have poop advice? I could really use it.


  1. Ahhh Poop.

    Did you guys switch her cold turkey to whole milk, or did you mix with her formula? We mixed Mo's milk with her formula starting out with a 1/2 ounce....and adding more and more over a period of like 5-6 weeks. She never got constipated.

    Also, I have been told to stay FAAAARRRR away from juice. Juice just makes them have the runs. Just focus on giving fruit. Prunes are the best. Molly will still eat the stage 3 baby food....the apple/prune is a favorite here, she LOVES it. I give it to her whenever she does seem a little slow with her poop.

    I hope that helps! :)

  2. I agree with Marzi Fam's advice :) I didn't ever do the formula thing, but it makes sense to transition her slowly over to milk. I'd guess that's kinda how it went with my kids transitioning from nursing to cows milk because I never quit nursing cold turkey either. They gradually got a little bit of cows milk while they were still nursing until they gave up on mamas milk and got used to the cow's....haha.
    She sure does like fruit. I think if you keep going with that, it will help too.
    Don't get to discouraged Nessy...and don't be hard on yourself. You guys will figure this poopie stuff out and she'll be fine. :)
