Sunday, May 27, 2012


Nick's dream in life is to live off the grid. He wants to be completely self sufficient. I'm talking living in the middle of no-where on a giant farm raising chickens, cows, goats, horses, you name it. Living off the land. Unfortunately for him, I do not share this same dream. Don't get me wrong, I would love to live on a large property with a small garden (as long as someone else takes care of it). I also wouldn't mind raising our own beef (have you ever seen food inc?) But there is a reason I wasn't born in the 1800's. I want to live near a large chain grocery store and I don't want to smell like cow poo.

About a month ago Nick told me he wanted to buy a chicken. I laughed in his face and told him we were not buying chickens. A few days later he came home with 3 baby chicks. (Aparantly I don't have as much control as I thought.) I will admit, the chicks were very cute. They lived in a bucket in our house for a few weeks until they could live outside.

Nick built a huge chicken coop (I call it the chicken palace) in the backyard and they now live out there. He then decided that since the baby chickens wouldn't be laying eggs until the end of summer we had to buy grown chickens that were already laying eggs. (airtight logic right?) Long story short, we now have 9 chickens living in the backyard. We got our first egg today.

I think we are going to cook up the egg and see how it tastes. I can't explain it, but I have a slight aversion to fresh chicken eggs. Nick laughed at me when I told him this and said they are so much better than the ones from the store. While I'm sure this is true, I just can't get myself to eat the egg that literally just came out of the chicken's butt. I'll get over it in time. I just need a minute. I guess that is one thing I can check off of the grocery list...self sufficiency here we come!

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