Monday, June 4, 2012

15 Things I do Wrong

Ever since I became a mom I have felt the eyes of the world watching me. Judging me. In my first months of motherhood, I found that I was extremely insecure. Always comparing my baby to others, always wanting to do everything right. Over the last year, I have realized one thing.

You don't have to be perfect to be a good mom.

That's right. You heard me. All of you people out there who feel the need to judge me...some of you moms and some of you not. I am not perfect and guess what? My baby rocks. So, to all of you moms out there who feel the need to give me unsolicited advice on how to be a good mom..I have made it easy for you. I made a list.

Judge me...Go ahead I dare you

1. I didn't deliver naturally...yup I had an epidural and loved every minute of it (every minute that it worked at least...but that's a whole other story)

2. I stopped nursing when my baby was 3 1/2 months old.

3. I gave her a bottle with formula (gasp!) when she was 2 days old and wouldn't stop crying. Don't regret it.

4. I never put a bumper on her crib

5. Sometimes I give her sips of my soda

6. I gave her something other than rice cereal during the first week that she ate solid foods

7. I give her a bottle in her bed at night

8. I bought a bunch of toys for her at a garage sale

9. Sometimes I give her marshmellos and cookies instead of something healthier

10. I let her eat dirt

11.  I let her dad throw her up in the air

12. I take her out in public with a dirty face and mismatched clothes on purpose sometimes

13. Sometimes I forget the sunscreen and she gets burned

14.Sometimes I forget to change her diaper until it is already too late

15. I let her run the halls during church instead of making her sit quietly on my lap

So there you have it. 15 things that I do wrong as a mom. But you know what? My baby girl is smart, beautiful, funny, loving, and totally awesome...and despite all of the mistakes that I have made in the past and have yet to make in the future, I really think we're gonna be just fine.


  1. Sometimes I still can't believe that you're a mom. So crazy. I love you Ness and I admire you being a mommy. And I'm LOVING the frequency of posts on this new blog!

  2. Who's judging? You're perfect!

  3. You are a great mom, and I don't knw one mom who hasn't done what's on your list! In fact, if I made my own it would be yours plus many more! Remember tht no one is perfect and every baby is different and only you know what's best for your little girl! I find myself comparing myself to other moms sometimes too, but hen I have to remember that as long as my kids are happy and healthy, I must be doing an ok job :) it's silly for any mom to judge others, and I hope no one is judging you. You are great!

  4. Heck, I've done just about everything on your list too! And I feel like other moms judge me for it. But who cares? All that matters in my book is that my kids know they are deeply loved by me, Daddy, and their Heavenly Father. With that knowledge, a kid is set for life!

  5. When I grow up I want to be a mom just like you! Thank you for letting your baby eat dirt!

  6. Eating dirt is an important experience in life, I think everyone has to try it! I totally agree with you! I wish all of us good just pull together and route for each other instead of judge. I mean we are all working toward similar goals. Some advice is out of love but some is not. Your child will appreciate the fact that you show it's ok to be imperfect!

  7. I feel judged everywhere I go. But its okay. I could make a list just like this. You're Awesome Nessy! And I love Allie bug just as she is!
